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Design Tool SEO

Design Tool SEO
Design Tool SEO Services

This is a post about the Design Tool SEO. I know you’re asking yourself, SEO is a design tool? Well, yes, it is when used properly. You must follow some guidelines to create good artwork and you must follow some guidelines to create a good website. SEO means search engine optimization. The search engines like Google and Yahoo need to know what your website is about and WordPress or any other website builder who matters, will give you the opportunity to SEO your site. With each page or post you create or update, you have the option to fill in all of those blank spots in those posts or pages. In WordPress, the SEO options will be at the bottom of your editor, under the main text box. You will choose things like meta_description and meta_keywords. I explain a bit more below..

Design Tool SEO.. This SEO article was written in early 2012. There have been dramatic changes to SEO in regards to Google. Google will now offer its search returns based on content. The days of meta_data are not over by any means but it no longer plays the most important role. Google has chosen to encrypt its keyword and search terms. This means that website developers, designers and beginners will need to configure their wording with intuition in mind instead of an easy Google keyword cheat-sheet. The importance of quality content is everything in 2014. Your web pages and posts must be full of good content that pertains to the subject matter.

Design Tool SEO

Learn how-to SEO your website the old fashion way, with meta_data and keywords. Content is number one when it comes to great search returns but you should still apply tags, keywords, descriptions and the like to your pages, posts and images.

My website has been optimized by Netometry. They do a wonderful job and I have found my way to the top of lots of search returns because of their efforts. You can find them at URLMD or Netometry. They also make killer websites! I learned so much from working with them. Now that the new changes have been made to Google Search in 2013/2014, Netometry is teaching me how to update my website to better compete with other art websites.  Thank you Netometry!

You should also pay close attention to Google Hummingbird, the newest mobile based search roll-out. It will come in handy when considering SEO design tools. There will be changes in the form of additions to Hummingbird in the years to come. Being up to date and knowledgeable is priceless. To learn more about Hummingbird, visit The Moz Blog, Hummingbird Unleashed. Another great article is by Danny Goodwin from Search Engine Watch, called Google Hummingbird Takes Flight: Biggest Change to Search Since Caffeine.

I will still adhere to the old tried and true SEO tactics that have worked for me like tags,  meta_keywords, meta_description and bold phrases. Search engines like Bing and Yahoo use SEO meta_data to populate their search returns so SEO as a design tool will matter. Many of my pages and posts do return on page 1 of returns in the lesser used search engines but those same pages and posts are nowhere to be found in Google Search. This means I do not have enough valued content or I have not properly shared them in social sharing networks. Social sharing will be a massive part of how Google Search defines good returnable pages and posts. If the populace likes it, it must be good.

Below are a few of the SEO design tool rules to follow for the lesser search engines otherwise known as not Google. You should consider all of the advents of SEO in 2014 when it comes to create pages and posts for your website. Meta_data is still important for digital images like your digital art. Remember to assign proper meta_data to the back-end of every digital image you upload into your website. As far as I can tell, Google Image Search is still using meta_data SEO. Be sure to share your uploaded images with social networks while offering a personal touch or message. When I learn more, I’ll share it with you. I believe that doing it right is important for long-term existence online. I can’t help but add bold to my keywords, it is now ingrained. If it bothers my viewers, it’ll have to go but so far, seems to be fine.

SEO Tips Tutorials and Tools
A few tips and tutorials for artists who want to create their own website design and SEO. Site design is fairly easy when you use a WordPress CMS contact management system and one of the thousands of available for fee or free WordPress themes and plugins. The newer themes are SEO friendly and give you the places for your predominate keywords, definitions and descriptions. Be thorough and fill in every blank spot offered to you with your working words. You are telling the search engines who you are and what you do or offer. I’ll probably say that again before this post is over. Here are a few tips and tutorials to get you more familiar with SEO.

SEO No Empty Spaces
The empty spaces on your edit page or post screen mean something. Blank spaces in WordPress aren’t just empty for simples’ sake, you are meant to put words there, your working words. For this post my working words are design tools, site validation, website design, website tools. This is a post so I will add these words to the title, url, categories, excerpt, meta_description and meta_keywords. I would also fill out the feature image’s url (before I upload so I choose the url which is created from the title of the image), alternate tag, and description. If this were a page, I would add my working words to the title, url, (using the same working words as I did for the post but moving the words around to make an original new title and url) excerpt, meta_description, meta_keywords and once again, I would fill out the feature image’s url (before I upload so I choose the url which is created from the title), alternate tag, and description.

SEO Filling the Empty Spaces
It’s important to create your website’s images with valid original urls (links). I think it’s worth saying one more time. Before you upload an image to your website, change the title of that image from nonsensical text and or numbers, like this img54547 to a working word title like Design Tools SEO. Instead of ending up with a url like this, you create a url like this

SEO Design Tool
You have turned SEO into a design tool. Now, that your image is super-duper powerful with a great url,  alt tag text that’s slightly more embellished than the url and website validation. If you add a caption to your image, it should be somewhat the same as your title, keep it simple and direct. Do all these things every time you upload an image to your website or a social network, and you will empower those images to do all the work for you.

SEO Creating URLs or Links
Try not to be redundant, create fresh new urls or links with the same words, use them in different order and use extension words like when needing to use art for the keyword phrase art gallery, use artist gallery instead. The artist being the extension of art. This way, you will not have urls or links that have numbers because there are more than one in use exactly the same. If I made a link with art-gallery already, I would recreate it for a new page, post or image. I would change it up but keep it similar, like artist-gallery. If I had a third link to create with the same words, I might switch them around or change the gallery to galleries. There are lots of ways to create fresh new urls or links before copying yourself.

SEO Right the First Time
Being thorough is important for SEO. Doing it right the first time will help to create a great search engine return status but going back and editing your pages and posts will always be good for your website. The more you edit and/or update your posts and pages content, images, titles, urls, categories, tags, images and just about anything else on your site, the more you improve your site’s validated state or search engine return status. It will take a while for the cache to catch up to your changes, especially if you have published it recently. Publishing once correctly and thoroughly will give that post or page a prime jump on validating and qualifying. Now, there is nothing wrong with grabbing an old url, title, image, page or post and hijacking it to create new and fresh material for validation. In that case, update and change it up as much as you wish. Old stagnant urls are useless but because of their valuable history, they are well worth a make-over. There are many design tools when it comes to showing your art online, but the best thing you can do for your art is to make SEO a design tool.

Design Tool SEO, it makes perfect sense to me. If it seems foreign to you, learn more about how to properly assign meta_data information to your digital images by visiting Learn SEO. To see some of the artwork that I SEO’d visit Artist’s Favorite Art Gallery.

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